PROFILED is a 53 minute documentary about racial profiling and police brutality.
PROFILED knits the stories of mothers of black and Latin youth murdered by the NYPD into a powerful indictment of racial profiling and police brutality, and places them within a historical context of the roots of racism in the U.S.
Ranging from the routine harassment of minority students in an affluent Brooklyn neighborhood to the killings and protests in Staten Island and Ferguson, Missouri, Profiled bears witness to the racist violence that remains an everyday reality for black and Latin people in this country and gives us a window on one of the burning issues of our time
We experience the grief families suffer in the face of such tragedies, the struggles women confront raising children in segregated neighborhoods that present few options for the young, and their anger at a justice system that often seems pitted against them.
The women organize vigils and rallies to keep the memory of their loved ones alive and seek indictments of the officers responsible for the deaths. As their demands for justice are ignored we see them transition from grieving parents to activists who join the growing grass roots movement against police brutality and racial profiling that, since the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown is now spreading across the country.
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A new Study Guide has been developed as a tool to help educators and community groups use the film to stimulate discussion about the critical issues of race and racism in the U.S. This is an invaluable resource for classrooms and organizations seeking to encourage dialogue and spark change. Preview the guide now and receive a complete version when you purchase a copy of the film.